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Writer's pictureFreya Wellness Co.

4 Reasons to Stop Sucking In All Day

Do you habitually suck in your stomach all day? You’re not alone! Whether it’s a habit now because your mom or grandmother have been telling you to since you were younger or because you believe it’ll make you “look better” or “strengthen your core”, you are actually doing yourself a disservice. Here’s why…

The Effects of Sucking In Your Stomach

1. Compromised Breathing Mechanics

When you contract your abdominal muscles, it impairs your diaphragm’s ability to move properly. This interference forces you to breathe in an unnatural manner, relying more on your chest and upper traps rather than using your diaphragm effectively.

2. Potential for Pelvic Floor Issues 

Constantly tensing your abdominal muscles can put undue stress on your pelvic floor, which may lead to conditions like incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse. The constant pressure can overwhelm your pelvic floor muscles, causing weakening.

3. Possible Pelvic Pain and Sexual Dysfunction 

The coordination between your abdominal muscles and pelvic floor is crucial for stabilizing your lower back and pelvis. Excess tension in your abdomen can translate into persistent pelvic and lower back pain, and may also contribute to sexual dysfunction.

4. Disrupted Pressure Management System and Lower Belly Pooching 

Habitual gripping of your upper abdominal muscles can interfere with your body's natural pressure management system. Your core muscles, including the diaphragm and pelvic floor, work together to regulate internal pressure. When you over-contract your upper abs, it disrupts this balance, leading to increased pressure up top and a bulging appearance in the lower belly.

Strategies to Relax Your Belly

Relaxing your

abdominal muscles can counteract the negative effects of habitual tension. By easing the pressure on your pelvic floor and restoring natural breathing patterns, you allow your core muscles to function optimally. 

1. Diaphragmatic Breathing

Regularly check for belly tension throughout your day. Take breaths throughout the day to perform a few reps of breathing in as you expand your rib cage like an umbrella and then gently exhale through pursed lips letting rib cage melt down and in. Check out

to learn how to achieve diaphragmatic breathing and better posture.

2. Practice Self-Massage

Incorporate self-abdominal massage into your routine. Assess your abdomen through touch to find any areas of tension. Gently massage your belly either in the shower or laying down in bed. Use this as a form of relaxation and a time for connection with your body. If you experience discomfort or unusual symptoms, consult a healthcare provider to ensure safety.

3. Stretch

Stretching can help to lengthen the fascia surrounding your muscles and improve flexibility. Consider integrating poses that focus on the front of your body to help release tightness and enhance overall core function. Some of our favorites are: cat/cow, cobra, wall slides, rainbows in a lunge. If you’re not sure what these stretches look like please feel free to reach out to us!

Embracing a more relaxed approach to how you hold your stomach not only benefits your physical health but also supports a healthier self-image. You’ve got this! Try some of these strategies out and let us know how it goes! Everyone here at Freya Wellness is cheering you on!

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