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What to Expect During Your Initial Pelvic Floor Evaluation

pelvic floor evaluations are great for all women

If you're reading this, you might be curious about pelvic floor physical therapy and what a pelvic floor evaluation involves. Whether you're experiencing discomfort, preparing for pregnancy, or just want to ensure everything is functioning smoothly, we're here to help.

Your First Visit: What to Expect

1. Thorough History: We start by getting to know you and your health history. This means asking questions about your symptoms, medical background, lifestyle, and any concerns you might have. This helps us understand what might be causing your issues and how best to address them.

2. Full Body Assessment: Next, we do a full body assessment. This means we look at how your body moves, your posture, and any areas that might be tight or weak. Your pelvic floor is connected to many other parts of your body, so it's important to look at the whole picture.

3. Internal Pelvic Floor Exam (If Indicated): If it's indicated and you’re comfortable with it, we might do an internal pelvic floor exam. Here’s what happens during this exam:

  • Explanation and Consent: First, we explain everything in detail and get your consent. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or want to stop, we will immediately respect your wishes.

  • Preparation: You’ll be in a private, comfortable setting. We make sure you're relaxed and understand the process.

  • Examination: Using a gloved hand, we gently examine the muscles inside your pelvis. This helps us feel for any tightness, weakness, or pain points. We check how well these muscles can contract and relax, as well as their strength and endurance.

4. Starting Treatment and Planning: Based on what we find during your evaluation, we often begin treatment that very day. This might include exercises, stretches, or other techniques to start addressing any dysfunctions. We also create a plan moving forward, setting goals to ensure you’re on the path to feeling your best.

our pelvic floor evaluations include full body assessments

How to Prepare for Your Visit

Dress Comfortably: Wear something that allows you to move freely, like leggings and a comfortable bra. You may need to remove your shirt during the assessment, so choose a bra that you feel comfortable wearing on its own.

Who Can Benefit from a Pelvic Floor Evaluation?

Pelvic floor physical therapy isn’t just for a specific group; it can benefit many women at different stages of life, including:

women in all ages and phases can benefit from pelvic floor therapy
  • Teens and Young Women: Menstruation issues or pelvic pain.

  • Pregnant Women: It’s recommended to get an evaluation during pregnancy to prepare your body for childbirth and address any discomfort.

  • Postpartum: After giving birth, to help with recovery and any issues like incontinence.

  • Middle Age: Dealing with changes related to menopause or other health conditions.

  • Older Women: Addressing issues like pelvic organ prolapse or incontinence.

we recommend pelvic floor evaluations in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Special Note for Pregnant Women

If you are pregnant, it's a great idea to get an evaluation. We recommend coming in during your second trimester, but anytime you feel discomfort or have concerns is a good time to start. Pelvic floor therapy can help make your pregnancy more comfortable and prepare your body for childbirth.

Next steps

At Freya Wellness Co., our goal is to partner with you towards building and Strong, Healthy Body and to make you feel comfortable, understood, and empowered. If you have any questions or are ready to schedule your evaluation, please schedule a free phone consultation, or reach out to us via email at We're here to support you every step of the way!


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